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Экспедиция "Курс на Арктику "Берингия"", Чукотка
Экспедиция "Курс на Арктику "Берингия"", Чукотка
Men are in Egvekinot - "arrested". Not allowed to leave the city because they changed their route that was marked on the Uelen permission. Today they were sitting 1,5h in the station and gived explanations why are they in Egvekinot and so on. Officers are nice, explained situations and law is law. Now they are waiting for answer and new permission to ride into Anadyr. Beacuse of snow the reducer are not yet arrived into Egvekinot.
Экспедиция "Курс на Арктику "Берингия"", Чукотка
From the last info:
Both cars were free and they were heading back to village by tractor route. And now tractor is stuck in the second hole and also Стас car. Estonians did stop at the last moment and are not stuck.
Экспедиция "Курс на Арктику "Берингия"", Чукотка
Sain 3 sõna: meie auto käes!

Я получил три слова: Наша машина вытащили.
Экспедиция "Курс на Арктику "Берингия"", Чукотка
            From Rait
Tungisime auto sirgeks, muud muutust pole. Teise auto juht  on kylas, helistab ja otsib vesdehodi ja meile uut reduktorit.             4x4_team@2016-02-15 07:29:00
Infoks et ei ole kellegi autot kätte saadud. Autod on tungitud yles, veest välja, ja see on kôik!             4x4_team@2016-02-15 08:45:00        

Cars are pulled out of water, leveled and secured  - thats it. Not moved away. Russian driver is in village calling/looking for vesdehod and new reducer for us.
Изменено: 4x4crazy - 15.02.2016 18:11:09
Экспедиция "Курс на Арктику "Берингия"", Чукотка
Auto kättesaamisel on ära lõhkunud pealesõiduteed,kanister, abistamiseks kasutanud tagavara rehvi aga miski ei ole tulemusi andnud. Mehed on abitus seisus, midagi teha ei anna, peale selle et käivad iga tunni tagant jääd lõhkumas. Mehed ka viimase öö magamata, kreenis autos magamine keeruline. Vene ekipaazi auto tõstetud prusside peale, paigalt liikuda ei saa siis tabaks sama saatus mis eestlaste autol. 1 vene meestest sõittis saanimeestega külasse, et sealt helistada tava telefoniga ja abiväge kutsuda või mingid plaanid koostada. Suured tehnikad on 300 km tagasi. Suure raha eest saab ehk auto päästetud ja kuskile toimetada. Meil kodustel jääb üle ainult oodata ja loota. päästeoperatsoon võib venida pikaks!

Fr om Estionian forum. Rait wife wrote:

They have already broken "help bridges" (red ones you have seen in picutres), canister, spare tire to get car out of water, but no luck. Men are helpless and can't to nothing beside they will try to brake ice after every hour. Men did'nt sleep very well in inclined car. Russian car is secured with logs and can't move or hapens the same as with estonians. 1 russian went to village with snowmobile to call help and make rescue plan. Big rescue vehicles are 300km behind. With lot of money they can rescue cars and transport to somewh ere. We in home can only hope and rescusemission can take long time.
Изменено: 4x4crazy - 15.02.2016 07:45:23
Экспедиция "Курс на Арктику "Берингия"", Чукотка
Seiklejad hädas!
Asi on täitsa jama. Esisild vist vett täis ja reduktor puruks. Autot kätte ei saa!

Adveturers are in trouble! Front axle full of water and reducer broken. Can't get car out.
Экспедиция "Курс на Арктику "Берингия"", Чукотка
jade написал:
Стоят они, провалились в лагуне под снегом была вода, наледь. Помощь оказана, солярку, брус, пешни, им привезли. С ними два снегохода и трое местных с Нутепельмена. Всё под контролем, машину вытащат и пойдут в село на отдых.
Машина не в проруби, не волнуйтесь.
К ним вчера ночью на мыс где они остановились идя с Ванкарем ходил снегоход. Обьяснил им как пройти до Нутепельмен. Они развернулись пошли и вечером попали в заструги. Утром к ним пошло два снегохода, что бы их вывести и сопроводить до села. Но выйдя на лагуну они провалились в снегу, а в низу вода.
Вы не волнуйтесь))) У них ещё впереди баня, свежая оленина с бульоном и конечно ночлег.
I don't know this kind of information. I'll think this inacurate. The car is still in the water. They secured it for overnight and they sleep in the car. They let it froze and will start digging out wheels in the morning. They had told us by tracker if they had been rescued.
Экспедиция "Курс на Арктику "Берингия"", Чукотка
Борисыч написал:
4x4crazy   написал:
Eestlaste auto vajus mingisse allikasse ninapidi. 2h aga autot kuidagi kätte ei saa. Topivad tagavara rattaid alla. Olukord on väga kehva, venelaste auto ka ratastega vees. Kõik jäätub.Seiklejate sõnum: olukord on sitt!

Estonian car fell trough ice in to water with front side. They messed over 2h but did'nt get it out. Secured it with spare tires. Situation is very bad. Russian car also in water but only tires. Everything is freezing. Situation is shit!
Masinad sai veest välja ? või nad jäävad vett?
No. They are still in the water.
Экспедиция "Курс на Арктику "Берингия"", Чукотка
Eestlaste auto vajus mingisse allikasse ninapidi. 2h aga autot kuidagi kätte ei saa. Topivad tagavara rattaid alla. Olukord on väga kehva, venelaste auto ka ratastega vees. Kõik jäätub.Seiklejate sõnum: olukord on sitt!

Estonian car fell trough ice in to water with front side. They messed over 2h but did'nt get it out. Secured it with spare tires. Situation is very bad. Russian car also in water but only tires. Everything is freezing. Situation is shit!  
Изменено: 4x4crazy - 14.02.2016 18:05:03
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